Hope (2021) – 30 cm x 40 cm – Acrylic paints and alcohol markers on canvas board

A follow-up of sorts to my previous piece, 1.2 Billion seconds, I wanted to share my feelings of hope for the future. 2020 was an unprecedented year for all of us and I lost my father in April of that year, which gave me some perspective on what is important to me in life. Mainly, relationships, health, my art and not worrying about trivial things.

The hope I felt when creating this piece isn’t just empty hope, it’s a visceral realisation that everyone’s time is limited so I might as well live it to the fullest, in my own definition. That includes living my own dreams and not conforming to others’ opinions of what I should do with my life.

Despite the challenges of the past 18 months, I hope you have had moments to reflect on what’s important to you too.