Swindon’s Top Outsider Artist and Wonderful Weekly Art Practice | SLART

Hi, I’m , an Outsider Artist based in Swindon, UK.

Here’s what you’ll find in my newsletter:

→ My Top-notch art

→ Behind-the-scenes access to my studio and art practice

→ Weekly advice column ‘Drei Fragen’ interviews with other successful artists

→ Lessons learned and personal development insights

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Every Saturday, I share my weekly art practice journey. I’m captivated by the whole process – not just the finished pieces, but everything from influences to materials. It’s like getting a behind-the-scenes peek at an artist’s world.

[If this masterpiece is too long for email, you can read Cream of the Crop in Substack. Or download the Substack app.]

I’m not making a song and dance about it, but it’s been 1 year today since I started writing about my Weekly Art Practice. It’s been a great form of reflection. Try it!


I’m an artist, and what I love most is painting in my studio. I know that probably sounds obvious, but the truth is I haven’t had nearly as much time for it during the second half of 2024.

We’re moving house soon, and one of the most exciting changes is that instead of a 35-minute walk to my studio, it’ll be just a 2-minute walk. I can’t wait to have the freedom to pop into my studio more often, making it so much easier to immerse myself in what I love. This year, I’ll finally have the time to focus on my art, and I couldn’t be more chuffed about it!


Sometimes it’s hard to put an insight into words. I’ve come to realise that mindset is far more important than I’d previously thought. Even the term “mindset” feels a bit loaded, with its Growth Hacking Bro connotations.

But this week, I’m beginning to see it more clearly: the only thing standing between me and freedom from a day job, so I can fully focus on my art career, is me.

Think about that for yourself and post your thoughts in the comments.


I’ve just done the biggest brain dump of all the tasks I must tackle for my upcoming exhibition. I’ve started using a new AI programme to save and organise my tasks, and I’ll be turning that into something more comprehensive later this week. It’s like having a virtual assistant – I’ll share more about it soon!

It’s still early 2025, winter is in full swing, and I’m steadily plodding along – being mindful to rest while gently taking action.


Search Engine Optimisation. It’s a term I’ve been familiar with for 21 years, yet I’ve only ever made the most rudimentary forays into it! (Fuck knows how “the most rudimentary forays” came out of my mind into writing, I would never say this in real life! LOL, but I liked the way it rolled off my fingers!)

I’d thought of myself as a bit techie, so I figured I might as well look into SEO for my SLART website. Who knows where our decisions or desires to act really come from? All I know is it feels as though they stem from your intentions – though not always in the way you’d imagined.

Over the past four months, my intention has been to get the marketing and business side of my art in order, and part of that has involved adding products to my website. So, I decided to dive into Google Search Console, connect my site, and see what’s been happening behind the scenes.

You’ll never guess – my website has appeared in Google searches 340 times in the past 7 days! Granted, only 15 people clicked through to actually visit the site, but still, it’s a start! But that’s 15 more people than I realised, and once you know where you are, can improve!

Note: 218 people searched for the term SLART in Google over the past 7 days.

Take that to heart.

When you know where you are, you can improve.

That’s all for now.

When you know where you are, you can improve.

Best wishes,


Cream of The Crop: Subscribe to get all my posts for free as they’re published. After 3 days, they’re locked away in an impenetrable vault. I’ll only give the code to paid subscribers.

Oh, Here’s my last post below if you missed it.

Thanks for reading Cream of The Crop!
